Simon Sinek:Start with Why

Thursday, 03 March 2016 00:00
Published in Blog

Originally filmed in 2009, I cannot begin to tell you just how relevant “Starting with Why” still is today, and how many conversations I have with leaders, marketers and sales people about the impact of starting with why.

This reminds me of a story told by Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". He tells the story of a NASA employee who is asked by a visitor what his job is.  His reply, “I help send man to the moon.”  His job: janitor.  Now’s there’s a clear and inspiring example of why.  

A few questions that you might like to consider as you watch Simon’s talk:

§  What is your purpose?  Why do you get out of bed in the morning?  What is your why?

§  What impact does knowing your why have on your well-being?

§  What is the impact of you operating from the inside?

My why is to open doors.  I invite you to step through these doorways with me and soak up the other side.


The 5 minute, edited version of Simon’s talk can be found here:

Simon Senek's full TedTalk of around 18 minutes entitled "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" can be found here:   

Shawn Achor on happiness

Tuesday, 23 February 2016 00:00
Published in Blog

Shawn Achor defines happiness as “the joy you feel moving towards your potential.”  It is not pleasure which is short-lived; joy invests more deeply.  In fact, you may feel joy even in those moments that are not pleasurable.  For example, have you felt joy at the conclusion of a tough, nail-biting team sport?  Whether you were watching or playing?  Have you felt joy at the end of robust workplace conversations that have resulted in growth, development and other positive outcomes for the parties involved?

A couple of reflection questions for you:

  • How do you define happiness?
  • What moments have you experienced that were not pleasurable but have brought you joy?

If you’d like to see Shawn’s talk, you can find it here; it runs for less than 1.5 minutes:    

Another TedTalk from Camille Seaman

Wednesday, 17 February 2016 00:00
Published in Blog
We thought you might enjoy the short (3mins 26 secs) TedTalk by Camille Seaman (we blogged about another of her TedTalks "Haunting Photos of Ice" recently).  Camille's photos are amazing, and in this TedTalk she shares a story about "everything is interconnected," and thoughts such as "the clouds are lovely monsters."
As you watch and listen, you might like to think about
  • What are the "interconnections" for you?
  • What memories and stories are you reminded of?
  • Where do these photos take your imagination?
  • What are the emotions that are evoked for you?  Why these emotions?
We'd be interested to hear what comes up for you.  Please feel free to get in touch with us to let us know.  Enjoy!