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Merry Christmas and a Courageous 2019!

Friday, 14 December 2018 00:00

#Merry Christmas and a Courageous 2019!



Each year, insium chooses to make a donation to the Lort Smith Animal Hospital.  Lort Smith is the largest not-for-profit animal hospital in Australia with over 60 vets and 80 nurses.  Built on its current site in North Melbourne in 1936, its founder Louisa Lort Smith was passionately committed to caring for the animals of poor and disadvantaged people. 

The hospital has 11 wards including an Exotic and Native Wildlife Unit. Its Adoption Centre cares for animals undergoing medical treatment and also provides shelter, adoption and fostering services for abandoned and relinquished animals.


Sunday, 21 October 2018 00:00



The year is fast coming to a close but there's still a lot to be done!  This newsletter focuses on what has been, where this is leading us, and what is still to come!

insium's Courage Questionnaire

Monday, 09 July 2018 00:00


An invitation to participate in insium’s
Courage Questionnaire (CQ)

As part of insium’s workplace initiative, “Leading with Courage,” insium is excited to launch the Courage Questionnaire (CQ). 
The purpose of the CQ is to gather data about workplace courage.  The purpose of this posting is to invite you to participate in the questionnaire which can be found at this link:
Please be advised that participation in this questionnaire is completely voluntary and anonymous; it will take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. You will have the option to receive the subsequent report, having access to informed data about workplace courage.

If appropriate, it would be greatly appreciated if you might share this message with your network please.

If you have any questions about the Cor would like to learn more about workplace courage, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,
Dina (@CourageChick) & Geoff


Monday, 02 July 2018 00:00



As we come to the end of Quarter 2, there is so much going on!  We are continuously energised by, and grateful for, the work we are able to do with you - developing authentic leaders, building high performing teams, embedding wellbeing in your organisations, and providing the right balance of encouragement, support and challenge to our coachees for continued growth.

Whilst we have lots to share with you, our focus in this newsletter is predominantly courage ... because in addition to the above, we've had the great fortune to work with you specifically exploring and developing courage.  We also want to share a recently published article with you about self motivated employees.


Leadership Attributes - Courage, Empathy, A Scout Mindset &Wellbeing

It's almost the end of Quarter 1 and much has taken place!  During this first quarter, we have been inspired by many.  We've been inspired and energised by leaders who are sharing their perspectives on courage, and we've been inspired and learnt from the work of others ... and we would like to share our inspiration with you.

insium's Interviews with Courageous Leaders

Thursday, 08 February 2018 00:00


A question on courage

In a world of constant disruption and mounting tension, it has never been more important to be courageous and to have courageous leaders across politics, business, government and community.


We're excited to officially announce
"Leading with Courage"


How courageous do you think leaders in Australia are?  How courageous are you?  What responsibility do you have to be courageous?

My purpose is to “open doors,” inviting people to courageously open, step through and explore the other side.  My vision is to build the courage reserves of Australia. 

2017 insium Client Survey - Thank you

Sunday, 07 January 2018 00:00


Feedback from our 2017 Client Survey

Once again, we're grateful to those clients who took time to provide feedback via our annual client survey.  We are extremely humbled to see that 100% of respondents consider their experience in working with us to be "Excellent"; we are grateful for the opportunity to work with you.  Additionally, 80% of respondents also consider us to be "Much better" or "Somewhat better" than our competitors.  We're energised by this fantastic show of support for what we do.  

insium's newsletter on courage: September, 2017

Tuesday, 19 September 2017 00:00


The 5th World Congress of Positive Psychology

Leading with Courage

As several you are aware, I had the opportunity to present my “Leading with Courage” program at the recent 5th World Congress of Positive Psychology.  I received feedback on the program from a panel comprised of world renowned experts in the field of positive psychology and organisations, including Marisa Salanova, Professor of Work & Organisational Psychology, Jaume I University, Spain, and Anne Brafford, co-founder of Aspire Legal and Chairperson of the American Bar Association’s Attorney Wellbeing Committee.


As promised, the next few newsletters will focus on my learning at the recent 5th World Congress of Positive Psychology (WCCP) which was held in Montreal in July.  There was so much learnt, please consider this to be newsletter #1 of … a few.

Kim Cameron (Co-founder, Centre for Positive Organisations, University of Michigan), shared his wealth of knowledge and experience in working with positive organisations, positive leaders and positive energisers.


Three key points included:

  • Those who positively energise others are high performers
  • Positive energisers tend to enhance the work of others; people who interact with or are connected to energisers perform better too
  • High performing organisations had three times as many positive energising networks than low performing organisations.


Consider the following questions: are you a positive energiser or a de-energiser?

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