Not My President

Sunday, 13 November 2016
Published in Blog

#notmypresident – a hashtag that is trending at the moment.  No doubt you’ll have seen or heard news about the many protests in the USA, in response to Donald Trump becoming President-Elect.

Regardless of your opinion regarding the outcome, as a leader, how would you lead in this situation?  How would you support an unpopular outcome?  How would you maintain energy and positive mood for yourself and your associates?  

You may have seen footage of Hilary Clinton’s concession speech and/or President Barack Obama’s response to the outcome.  What would your advice be to those who do not support the result?  To those who do?  How would you call upon everyone to remain united?  What connections would you make with others?  Encourage others to make?

Finally, what would you actually do?  Words are important, but without action they are just rhetoric.  Would your behaviour and actions be aligned to your words?  How courageous would you be in ensuring your words and actions are aligned?

How is this relevant to you?  The election of Donald Trump may in fact impact your organisation and you may need to consider the above questions directly.  Whether this decision impacts your organisation or not, you are a leader in your organisation, and there have no doubt been times where your support of an unpopular decision has been expected.  What did you do?  What would you do again?  What would you do differently?  How courageous were you?