Dare To Lead™ workshop dates
insium’s workplace CQ!
Wow! What a month! Courage certainly is contagious! I have been inspired to courage by the courageous stories of our guests during #couragemonth. Vanessa O’Hanlon led conversations with women in healthcare, business, community, sport, media and fashion, who each shared their reflections and learning about courage.
Alice in Wonderland
There are many lessons that can be taken from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and this is one of my favourites.
Dare To Lead™ Workshop Version 2 Curriculum, Delivered Online
Written by geoff Tuesday, 28 July 2020 00:00
Dare To Lead™ Workshop Version 2 Curriculum, delivered online
A Google search for “leading through corona” returned 172 million results in 0.31 seconds. A search of “leading through covid” returned 860 million results in less time. No doubt, there is cross-over between these two searches. A search of “corona, covid, leader, courage” returned 1.3 million results.
As you know, I am passionate about building courage, and in the past few months, I have no doubt that we have all needed courage at different times. I certainly have. To help enable your and my courage, we have created a number of resources over the past few months which you may already be familiar with. My purpose today is to provide a compilation of these resources, so that when you need, you can easily find what is most valuable for you.
#Community in the here and now
I really struggled in writing this newsletter. My tension came from not wanting to fill your inbox with another email when there is so much happening for everyone; my tension came from “do I forge on, assuming business as usual and provide insium updates” or “do I focus on the immediate here and now”?