Last year (2022) more than ever the world searched “can I change” ...

Written by  Friday, 20 January 2023
Published in Newsletter
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Last year (2022) more than ever the world searched “can I change”...

 Happy new year!  I hope the start of 2023 has been good for you, your family, friends and communities, and for your colleagues and workplaces.

As you know, at the beginning of every year, I search for “Google Year in Search” for the previous year. The short (2 minute) clip below illustrates what we searched for the most in 2022. In short, we searched “can I change.”

So many searches, or messages, resonated with me and curiously – you know I have a strong passion for courage (which requires risk) and confidently being your authentic self (which may require courage and comes from being courageous) – the clip was book-ended with the following messages:

“Even though there is risk and I don’t know what’s on the other side, I am going to make a bet on myself,”


“This is what believing looks like and don’t you ever, ever give up on you.” 

The courage that each individual demonstrated in this short clip was inspiring. And it is through this inspiration that we can build courageous homes, schools, communities, workplaces, and a “world that can be.”

So, what do you need courage for in 2023 – whether this is in your home, school, community or workplace? Remember, courage is contagious – so your courage will inspire others to be courageous too.  And remember, that you can borrow courage from others if you need to be inspired.

In 2022, we were courageous and we changed.  In 2023, what is the “world that can be?”. What are the changes you want to create in 2023? As Queen Elizabeth II said, “The way we embrace it (change) defines our future”, and –  with apologies to Mahatma Gandhi – “be the courage you wish to see in the world.”

At insium, we’re keen on building courageous people, teams and cultures. If you’re keen as well...let’s chat! Coffee? Walk? Coffee and walk?

Lastly, and most importantly, thank you. Yesterday, January 17th, 2023 was insium’s 18th anniversary.  Thank you for welcoming us into your workplaces. Thank you for your support, and for the shared journey and the memories we have created together.



#drawonyourcourage and be well,



Read 1090 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 January 2023 06:43